Other Ways to Give to the SEF

Please give a tax deductible donation to the Sparta Education Foundation (SEF). It's easy and helps so many students! A receipt for your donation will be sent to you for your tax records. The Sparta Education Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
Image description here.

Are you Sparta Staff?

Pledge with Payroll Deduction

Sparta Area School staff members may donate with our SEF Pledge form. 

Staff Pledge Form to SEF

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Want to have a permanent legacy?

Spartan Pride Pathway

The SEF sells 4" x 8" or 8" x 8" bricks that are placed in the Spartan Pride Pathway located in front of the high school. Bricks are a wonderful way to leave a permanent legacy, a memorial, memory, or given as a gift. 

To reserve a brick, click the button, fill out the form, and submit it to the SEF by mail or email to [email protected].

Spartan Pride Pathway


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Want to send a check?

Mail Your Donation

If it is easier for you, just make a check payable to Sparta Education Foundation and mail your donation to:

Sparta Education Foundation
465 S Union St.
Sparta, MI 49345


THANK YOU for helping provide "the Extras for Education" for Sparta Area School students!

Together we are making a difference!